honestly not sure why this is so hard to just copy and paste an email from this cute missionary, but it is!
I'm doing two in this blog post because they're both holiday emails!
Happy Holidays from Sister Mindy Mint :)
Here is her December 25th email:
"Oh, Come all ye faithful." and pigs feet.
Merry Christmas America!
I hope it's been incredible! i know that mine was. We had church for one hour. The speakers talked about the talk by Elder Bednar "If ye had known me" or something like that. SUPER good. I really enjoyed it. He mentioned the need to ask ourselves, "Do i really know Him?" and encouraged us to get to know Him better. It's hard to explain it but it was a powerful message. It sort of reminds me of a song that we missionaries had to sing last Christmas. We sang a song called, "Do you have room for the Savior?" It's really magical to be a missionary at Christmas time. You don't really experience the commercial side of Christmas. It is pretty much entirely about the Savior. I LOVED it. I love my Savior. I LOVED sharing His light with Hong Kong.
Now, What did Sister Adams do for Christmas?? Sister Adams went caroling again! Lots of caroling. She also ate some pigs feet soaked in ginger! :P I can honestly tell you it was one of the most memorable Christmas experiences that i've ever had. It was fun to be able to bring the spirit of Christmas into some less-active, non-member, and member houses.
I'm sorry this is so short! Thank you all for your prayers and love!
i love you all!
Sister Adams
Here is her January 1st email:
I hope you had a wonderful New Years and enjoyed your fireworks. I wen tot bed early. :) And i congratulated some people on getting rich this year and for having a successful job (chinese traditions).
I have some crazy news....SISTER ADAMS IS ACTUALLY LEAVING TSIM SHA TSUI. Yes, friends, I am being kick out. But that's okay because I know that Sister Christensen and Sister Fullmer are going to take REALLY good care of it. I will be moving to Kwai Chung with my MTC buddy, Sister Kessen. It's gonna be so weird serving with someone from my group and also being a junior companion again, but i'm getting ready for the change and i'm excited to serve with her.
Tsim Sha Tsui will always have a special place in my heart. It was here that I learned patience and trust in the Lord. It was here that I learned Cantonese. LOL! It was here that I learned about Hong Kong culture and it was in Tsim Sha Tsui that I gained an even greater understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what that means for my life now and in the future.
One thing that I am sharing about in our Zone Training this month is about testimonies and how we can have true testimonies. There's an article in this month's Liahona that talks about what a testimony is and I loved it. It talks about how testimonies are something that we can't neglect. We have to CONSTANTLY be strengthening it. It's not a one and done deal. Something that i've noticed as a missionary is that I have to always be tapping into my heart or past experiences when I bear my testimony in order for it to really have the power and feeling that I need it to have. This requires me to constantly be strengthening my testimony and finding new experiences to what I know to be true. Sometimes I find that because I bear my testimony of the same things over and over again as a missionary, it loses the genuine feeling and starts to become rote. Our testimonies are precious. They are special witnesses to us that God is real, that Jesus lives and that this church is true. I really, truly hope that every single one of us is taking the time this New Year to strengthen our testimonies and find new experiences to back them up.
I love you all. Have a great week!
Sister Adams
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