Here is this week's email. enjoy! :)
"Woah, we're half-way there" Living on lots of prayerrrr... MTC Week 5
I have officially made it past my half-way mark in the MTC. I have seen more missionaries come and go than I care to admit and I still have four more weeks of that. I also feel like I could spend my whole mission here in the MTC and still need to learn so much more about how to be a better missionary. I'm excited to leave but terrified to go (which describes how it felt to come on my mission as well).
It has most definitely been a week of small miracles for me. The Lord blesses those that put in the work first and change their attitudes, that's for sure (at least for me!). This language is finally getting easy. The gift of tongues is real, but ONLY when you do your part. I was doing it half-way and still resisting Heavenly Father's plan for me and it was showing. That small change in attitude made ALL the difference and I'm already seeing the blessing of making that personal change. My lessons have been better, my companionship is more harmonious and I don't feel like I've been bashing my head against a wall all day when I go to bed at night. Change your attitude and it'll change your life.
It's been snowing a lot this week, espcially today! I got to wear my new red rainboots today and I'm loving every second of it. Also, it's fun to enjoy it now because I won't be seeing it. (I think I talked about this last week... ?) The weeks are starting to blur together a little bit, everytime I get asked how much longer I have, I turn to Sister Mcneely because I usually don't even remember what day of the week it is. But everyday is filled with spiritual growth and moments of self-evaluation to see just how much I still need to change (which is a lot) to become more Christ-like.
We had an awesome devotional speaker last night. His name is Greg Droubay and he's in the Media Department for missionary work and other things in the church. Basically he works a lot with and differnet media outlets that the church has. He gave us a sneak pre-view of some things that the church is doing for Christmas this year and let me say, WOW! I'm so excited for the video and the website to be up. it gets released Nov. 29, 2015 and it is #asaviorisborn. The Lord is definitely hastening his work. My heart is so big just thinking about how exciting it is going to be in Hong Kong during Christmas time. I'm SUPER excited. Another thing that Brother Droubay shared was that the two things that unites EVERY SINGLE person in this world is; 1) We all have the light of Chist inside us and 2) We can all be saved ONLY through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Faith in Jesus Christ is the secret to all the miracles that occur in missionary work and the miracles that occur in so many hearts and minds of those that believe in Him. I encourage you all to discover more about what you can do individually and as families to better increase your faith in Christ.
I was studying Charity this week as my Christ-like attribute. I could study this topic for years and still need to continue to study it because of how important it is to have. one of my favorite quotes about charity came from Silvia H. Allreds talk in October 2011, titled "Charity Never Faileth". She says, "...Charity is not a single act or something we give away but a state of being, a state of heart, kind feelings that engender loving actions." The really awesome thing about charity is that it will literally purify who you are as a person if you are praying for it and striving to apply it to your life. Gene R. Cook said "As we increasingly think and act like Him, our natural man will be replaced by the heart and mind of Christ". HOW AWESOME IS THAT!? Love is like faith and kindness where it's contagious. Sharing love causes more love to grow, not only in your own heart but in the heart of the person you loved. Elder Cook has three other suggestions for how we can recieve Charity. He says 1. Recognize His love. There is evidence of the Lords love for you in every aspect of your life, take a second to reflect and notice those "love notes" from God. 2. Recieve His Love in Humility. God is an anonymous giver, but He still deserves to be thanked. Gratitufe is a form of returning our love to God and it also makes our apprieciating for Him grow more. 3. Convey His Love. Love others more to understand more about how perfectly God loves you.
"I invite you to not only love each other but to love each other BETTER." - Bonnie D. Parkin
I love you all so much and I hope that you are having a fantastic week.
Sister Adams
"they weren't kidding when they said they will give you ten pounds of books!" -Sister Mindy Mint |
This is Sister Adams and her MTC companion Sister McNeeley |
All the Sisters in Sister Adams' district |
all the missionaries HONG KONG bound! :) |
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